例如利伯他茲諮商所收費:個別諮商1 Hours・NT$1200~2400,成癮、親密關係、生活壓力,依據新北市政府衛生局公告鑑於年輕族群自殺死亡率逐年上升,衛生福利部為促進其心理健康,協助調適心理壓力與負面情緒,提供所需之心理支持服務,自112年8月至113年7月辦理旨揭方案,15-30歲年輕族群可至本市指定執行機構,補助心理諮商費用每人每次新臺幣1,600元,每人以3次服務、新臺幣4,800元為上限(單次補助約66%以上,每年3次為限),有電話確認新北市政府衛生局,補助項目只限定心理諮商費用,不包含團體課程等。我認為心理諮商可以聽聽看民眾的意見,心理諮商有團體活動方式,像是心理劇、或是心理相關的團體課程,在個人走過的經驗,在團體活動中心都是可以成為諮商的泥土、諮商的一個眼界、多方視角去整理自己的生活,以相輔相成諮商過程中的所凝聚的要談的議題或是健康需求,從團體課程中聆聽同性質的其他學員的故事,也可以成為諮商成為個人心理支持的力量,三次諮商補助雖然機會不多,也是很感謝政府照顧社會有心理健康需求的人們。
The article about “The Young Generation Mental Health Support Plan” including age expansion’s extended thinking
The Need of Hot Sandwich Generation with Mental Health Support Plan
Professor Wang Shun-Min.
Institute of Social Welfare,
Chinese Culture University
Key Words: The Young Generation Mental Health Support Plan
Sandwich Generation
Middle-Aged and Seniors Groups
Hot Sandwich Generation
Midlife Crisis
According to the official cause of death statistics from last year (2023), the numbers of suicide death has had 3898 events in which is the highest number in recent 14 years. Normally, over 65 years senior citizens consider as high-risk suicide group, but it had decreased 4.5% since last year. In contrast to the elderly, the ages of 25 to 44 and 45 to 65 groups have been increasing 5.1 %. The Department of Mental Health under the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Taiwan has noticed that the problem of young people committing suicide have been increasing and have made a year project of The Young Generation Mental Health Support Plan in August from last year. This plan has succeeded pre-screening high risk of mental illness (about 7.6 thousand people) who could get early medical help (about 1.9 thousand people) with offering three times psychological consultations. In fact, the new plan maybe possible enlarge groups of early and late adulthood groups (25-44 years old) due to has been increasing the suicide death numbers during last year statistic. Above all, I think there are several reasons that the Middle-age group should have mental health plan.
First of all, middle age group faces several psychological signs and symptoms. From Erikson’s psychosocial development theory point of view, this group confronts with generativity, caring others and creating with accomplishing things, or with stagnation, failure to find the way to contribute to families, disconnecting and uninvolving with communities. In other words, if the group owns generativity, they will have successful lifetimes which includes confidence to challenge, to build self-worth, self- belief, and self-strengths. On the other hand, if the group owns stagnation, they will face midlife crisis. This crisis can be triggered by an abrupt change in occupation and lifestyle changes (such as retirement, caring parents pressure, facing empty nest syndrome, losing parents, the death of loved one, divorce, significant life events). They suffer anxiety, depression or major mood changes, dramatic changes in appearance and behavior or self-care, becoming antisocial, impulsive or irrational, feeling of anger, boredom, emptiness, irritability, loss of purpose, resentment, sadness or being unfulfilled, sleep pattern disruption, financial irrationally and excessive spending, disinterest toward objects or activities, feeling of nostalgia, panic disorder…etc. So, midlife crisis in middle age group causse many neurotic symptoms and strongly need mental health support plan to concern.
Moreover, middle-age group face several physical pressures. When people get into this stage, they may have or risk metabolic syndrome factors. For example, high blood pressure, heart problems, brin function abnormal, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance, central obesity, hyperuricemia, unnormal coagulation factor…etc. Also, as fallowing these factors, they will become some chronical diseases, such as hypertension, Diabetic Mellitus, Dementia, stroke, COPD, renal stones, coronary artery sclerosis, insomnia…etc. Most importantly, they usually ignore the signs of decreasing immune system, such as overwork, lack of sleep, too little exercise, improper dietary intake, abnormal between work and rest, and long-term stress. So, abnormal immune system relating to lifestyle, chronical diseases relating to high risk factors of metabolic syndrome are middle-age group need to encounter and our government need to support mental health plan.
Last, social change triggers family dynamic changes that leads middle-age group last straw. The low fertility rate causes this group people need to face grow or help next generation to be independent or to support their education, life, marriage problems. Also, they may need to accept their sons or daughters are parasite singles, DINK, NEET, bachelorism, celibatarian, spinsters, LGBTQ (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queers) all diverse families. In addition, they have the pressure to care elder parents in economically or physically. So, the middle-age group carries two generations burdens on their shoulders.
In the end, the middle-age group need to face the pressures from psychologically, mentally, and variously families. They are the real “Hot Sandwich” generation. The middle-age Generation Mental Health Support Plan has urgent need in our changeable society.
References: 1. Handouts from Professor Wang Shun-Min’s Human behavior class
2. Kendra Cherry, MSED. The author of the book “Everything Psychology
3. Forbes Health website, Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist.
By Meng-Li, Chien 簡孟麗(假日學分班)